Red Room pop-up comedy club! hosted by Mufaro Mbudzi and featuring Headliner Dino Archie from Jimmy Kimmel, Comedy Central & more!
After the success of two huge comedy shows at Red Room for the Just For Laughs Vancouver festival, the fastest growing comedy night in Vancouver returns! “Scheduled Meditation’s” standup only night.
Hosted by Mufaro Mbudzi, show producer for Just for Laughs Vancouver and other pop-ups, and featured at Melbourne International Comedy Festival
Headlined by DINO ARCHIE, seen on Jimmy Kimmel, Comedy Central, Just For Laughs Montreal and self-produced “Vancity Comedy Extravaganza” …His viral “Toxic but Safe” comedy special is available on Youtube! Dino will also be part of the upcoming “Netflix is a Joke” festival on May 12th in the United States!
At Vancouver’s famous “Red Room”!
SHOW: 8PM -9:30 PM
Also featuring
Sophia Johnston
Jorlhan Vincent
Ryan Williams
Robert Peng